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Papers (2011 - 2020)


  • Zhang M, Nagaosa K, Nakai Y, Yasugi T, Kushihiki M, Rahmatika D, Sato M, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2020) Role for phagocytosis in the prevention of neoplastic transformation in Drosophila. Genes Cells 25, 675-684.

  • Takamiya R, Takahashi M, Maeno T, Saito A, Kato M, Shibata T, Uchida K, Ariki S & Nakano M (2020) Acrolein in cigarette smoke attenuates the innate immune responses mediated by surfactant protein D. Biochim. Biophys. Acta-General subjects 1864, 129699.

  • 黒沼幸治,小林智史,齋藤充史,池田貴美之,大塚満雄,千葉弘文,有木茂,高橋素子,高橋弘毅 (2020) 肺MAC症における血清L-Ficolinの意義. 分子呼吸器病 24, 84-87.


  • Nainu F, Nakanishi Y & Shiratsuchi A (2019) Fruit fly as a model organism in the study of human diseases and drug discovery. J. Cent. Med. Edu. Sapporo Medical University 10, 21-32.

  • Kobayashi T, Kuronuma K, Saito A, Ikeda K, Ariki S, Saitou A, Otsuka M, Chiba H, Takahashi S, Takahashi M & Takahashi H (2019) Insufficient serum L-ficolin is associated with disease presence and extent of pulmonary Mycobacterium avium complex disease. Respir. Res. 20, 224.

  • 高宮里奈,前野敏孝,有木茂,齋藤充史,高橋弘毅,黒木由夫,高橋素子 (2019) タバコ煙中のアクロレインが肺サーファクタントタンパク質A (SP-A) に及ぼす影響.分子呼吸器病 23, 68-72.



  • Takahashi Y, Saito A, Chiba H, Kuronuma K, Ikeda K, Kobayashi T, Ariki S, Takahashi M, Sasaki Y & Takahashi H (2018) Impaired diversity of the lung microbiome predicts progression of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Respir. Res. 19, 34.


  • Ekowati H, Arai J, Puput ASD, Nainu F, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2017) Protective effects of Phaseolus vulgaris lectin against viral infection in Drosophila. Drug Discov. Ther. 11, 329-355.

  • Nonaka S, Ando Y, Kanetani T, Hoshi C, Nakai Y, Nainu F, Nagaosa K, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2017) Signaling pathway for phagocyte priming upon encounter with apoptotic cells. J. Biol. Chem. 292, 8059-8072.

  • Nainu F, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2017) Induction of apoptosis and subsequent phagocytosis of virus-infected cells as an antiviral mechanism. Front. Immun. 8, 1220. (review)

  • Nonaka S, Shiratsuchi A, Nagaosa K & Nakanishi Y (2017) Mechanisms and significance of phagocytic elimination of cells undergoing apoptotic death. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 40, 1819-1827. (review)

  • Hashimoto J, Takahashi M, Saito A, Murata M, Kurimura Y, Nishitani C, Takamiya R, Uehara Y, Hasegawa Y, Hiyama Y, Sawada N, Takahashi S, Masumori N, Kuroki Y & Ariki S (2017) Surfactant protein A inhibits growth and adherence of uropathogenic Escherichia coli to protect the bladder from infection. J. Immunol. 198, 2898-2905.

  • Uehara Y, Takahashi M, Murata M, Saito A, Takamiya R, Hasegawa Y, Kuronuma K, Chiba H, Hashimoto J, Sawada N, Takahashi H, Kuroki Y & Ariki S (2017) Surfactant protein A (SP-A) and SP-A-derived peptide attenuate chemotaxis of mast cells induced by human β-defensin 3. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 485, 107-112.

  • Umeda Y, Hasegawa Y, Otsuka M, Ariki S, Takamiya R, Saito A, Uehara Y, Saijo H, Kuronuma K, Chiba H, Ohnishi H, Sakuma Y, Takahashi H, Kuroki Y & Takahashi M (2017) Surfactant protein D inhibits activation of non-small cell lung cancer-associated mutant EGFR and affects clinical outcomes of patients. Oncogene 36, 6432-6445.

  • Hasegawa Y, Takahashi M, Ariki S, Saito A, Uehara Y, Takamiya R, Kuronuma K, Chiba H, Sakuma Y, Takahashi H & Kuroki Y (2017) Surfactant protein A downregulates epidermal growth factor receptor by mechanisms different from those of surfactant protein D. J. Biol. Chem. 292, 18565-18576.

  • Takamiya R, Uchida K, Shibata T, Maeno T, Kato M, Yamaguchi Y, Ariki S, Hasegawa Y, Saito A, Miwa S, Takahashi H, Akaike T, Kuroki Y & Takahashi M (2017) Disruption of the structural and functional features of surfactant protein A by acrolein in cigarette smoke. Sci. Rep. 7, 8304.

  • 長谷川喜弘,梅田泰淳,大塚満雄,有木茂,高宮里奈,齋藤充史,黒沼幸治,千葉弘文,高橋弘毅,黒木由夫,高橋素子 (2017) SP-Dによる変異型EGFR肺がんの制御機構.分子呼吸器病 21, 80-83.

  • 有木茂,齋藤充史 (2017) 肺サーファクタントタンパク質Aによるヒトb-ディフェンシン3の機能調節.札幌医科大学医療人育成センター紀要 8, 25-27.


  • Shiratsuchi A, Nitta M, Kuroda A, Komiyama C, Gawasawa M, Shimamoto N, Tran Quoc T, Morita T, Aiba H & Nakanishi Y (2016) Inhibition of phagocytic killing of Escherichia coli in Drosophila hemocytes by RNA chaperon Hfq. J. Immunol. 197, 1298-1307.

  • 有木茂,上原康昭,村田雅樹,高宮里奈,長谷川喜弘,齋藤充史,千葉弘文,黒沼幸治,高橋素子,高橋弘毅,黒木由夫 (2016) SP-AおよびSP-A由来ペプチドはヒトb-ディフェンシン3による肥満細胞の遊走を抑制する.分子呼吸器病 20, 120-123.


  • Nainu F, Tanaka Y, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2015) Protection of insects against viral infection by apoptosis-dependent phagocytosis. J. Immunol. 195, 5696-5706. *Picked up in the “IN THIS ISSUE”

  • Kong Q, Nakai Y, Kuroda N, Shiratsuchi A, Nagaosa K & Nakanishi Y (2015) Peptidoglycan recognition protein-triggered induction of Escherichia coli gene in Drosophila melanogaster. J. Biochem. 157, 507-517.

  • Ito E, Oka R, Ishii T, Korekane H, Kurimoto A, Kizuka Y, Kitazume S, Ariki S, Takahashi M, Kuroki Y, Kida K & Taniguchi N (2015) Fucosylated surfactant protein-D is a biomarker candidate for the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J. Proteomics 127, 386-394.

  • Hasegawa Y, Takahashi M, Ariki S, Asakawa D, Tajiri M, Wada Y, Yamaguchi Y, Nishitani C, Takamiya R, Saito A, Uehara Y, Hashimoto J, Kurimura Y, Takahashi H & Kuroki Y (2015) Surfactant protein D suppresses lung cancer progression by downregulation of epidermal growth factor signaling. Oncogene 34, 838-845.

  • 白土明子 (2015) 自然免疫としての細胞貪食によるアポトーシス細胞と細菌の排除機構と意義.化学と生物 53, 38-41.

  • 長谷川喜弘,高橋素子,有木茂,高宮里奈,上原康昭,橋本次朗,和田芳直,高橋弘毅,黒木由夫 (2015) 肺サーファクタント蛋白質のEGFシグナル制御を介した抗腫瘍作用.分子呼吸器病 19, 107-111.


  • Shiratsuchi A, Shimamoto N, Nitta M, Tuan TQ, Firdausi A, Gawasawa M, Yamamoto Y, Ishihama A & Nakanishi Y (2014) Role for sigma38 in prolonged survival of Escherichia coli in Drosophila melanogaster. J. Immunol. 192, 666-675.

  • Nishikiori H, Chiba H, Ariki S, Kuronuma K, Otsuka M, Shiratori M, Ikeda K, Watanabe A, Kuroki Y & Takahashi H (2014) Distinct compartmentalization of SP-A and SP-D in the vasculature and lungs of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. BMC Pulm. Med. 14, 196.

  • Takamiya R, Takahashi M, Uehara Y, Ariki S, Hashimoto J, Hasegawa Y & Kuroki Y (2014) The single N-glycan deletion mutant of soluble ErbB3 protein attenuates heregulinβ1-induced tumor progression by blocking of the HIF-1 and Nrf2 pathway. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 454, 364-368.

  • 高橋素子,有木茂,黒木由夫 (2014) 肺サーファクタントの感染・炎症防御における役割.呼吸器内科 26, 33-41.


  • Pukklay P, Nakanishi Y, Nitta M, Yamamoto K, Ishihama A & Shiratsuchi A (2013) Involvement of EnvZ-OmpR two-component system in virulence control of Escherichia coli in Drosophila melanogaster. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 438, 306-311.

  • Shiratsuchi A, Osada Y & Nakanishi Y (2013) Differences in the mode of phagocytosis of bacteria between macrophages and testicular Sertoli cells. Drug Discov. Ther. 7, 73-77.

  • Nonaka S, Nagaosa K, Mori T, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2013) Integrin aPS3/bn-mediated phagocytosis of apoptotic cells and bacteria in Drosophila. J. Biol. Chem. 288, 10374-10380.

  • Takahashi M, Hasegawa Y, Ikeda Y, Wada Y, Tajiri M, Ariki S, Takamiya R, Nishitani C, Araki M, Yamaguchi Y, Taniguchi N & Kuroki Y (2013) Suppression of heregulin β signaling by single N-glycan deletion mutant of soluble ErbB3 protein. J. Biol. Chem. 288, 32910-32921.

  • 黒木由夫,有木茂,高橋素子 (2013) コレクチンによる自然免疫機構.セラピューティック・リサーチ 34, 766-768.


  • Fujita Y, Nagaosa K, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2012) Role of NPxY motif in Draper-mediated apoptotic cell clearance in Drosophila. Drug Discov. Ther. 6, 291-297.

  • Shiratsuchi A, Mori T, Sakurai K, Nagaosa K, Sekimizu K, Lee BL & Nakanishi Y (2012) Independent recognition of Staphylococcus aureus by two receptors for phagocytosis in Drosophila. J. Biol. Chem. 287, 21663-21672.

  • Okada R, Nagaosa K, Kuraishi T, Nakayama H, Yamamoto N, Nakagawa Y, Dohmae N, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2012) Apoptosis-dependent externalization and involvement in apoptotic cell clearance of DmCaBP1, an endoplasmic reticulum protein of Drosophila. J. Biol. Chem. 287, 3138-3146.

  • Saito A, Ariki S, Sohma H, Nishitani C, Inoue K, Ebata N, Takahashi M, Hasegawa Y, Kuronuma K, Takahashi H & Kuroki Y (2012) Pulmonary surfactant protein A protects lung epithelium from cytotoxicity of human β-defensin 3. J. Biol. Chem. 287, 15034-15043. *equally contributed

  • Kurimura Y, Nishitani C, Ariki S, Saito A, Hasegawa Y, Takahashi M, Hashimoto J, Takahashi S, Tsukamoto T & Kuroki Y (2012) Surfactant protein D inhibits adherence of uropathogenic Escherichia coli to the bladder epithelial cells and the bacteria-induced cytotoxicity: A POSSIBLE FUNCTION IN URINARY TRACT. J. Biol. Chem. 287, 39578-39588.

  • Takahashi M, Miyata S, Fujii J, Inai Y, Ueyama S, Araki M, Soga T, Fujinawa R, Nishitani C, Ariki S, Shimizu T, Abe T, Ihara Y, Nishikimi M, Kozutsumi Y, Taniguchi N & Kuroki Y (2012) In vivo role of aldehyde reductase. Biochim. Biophys. Acta-General subjects 1820, 1787-1796.

  • Yokota S, Amano K, Nishitani C, Ariki S, Kuroki Y & Fujii N (2012) Implication of antigenic conversion of Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharides involving interaction with surfactant protein D. Infect. Immun. 80, 2956-2962.

  • Ariki S, Nishitani C & Kuroki Y (2012) Diverse functions of pulmonary collectins in host defense of the lung. J. Biomed. Biotechnol. 2012, article ID 532071. (review)

  • 白土明子 (2012) 黄色ブドウ球菌細胞壁成分による自然免疫の誘導と制御.生化学 84, 737-752.

  • 横田伸一,天野憲一,西谷千明,有木茂,黒木由夫,藤井暢弘 (2012) ピロリ菌リポ多糖の抗原性変化 ―サーファクタント蛋白質との相互作用と病原性との関連―.エンドトキシン・自然免疫研究 15, 1-6.

  • 黒木由夫,有木茂,西谷千明,高橋素子 (2012) 肺コレクチンによる自然免疫機構. 臨床化学 41, 159-165.

  • 有木茂,齋藤充史,西谷千明,高橋素子,黒木由夫 (2012) 非結核性抗酸菌に対するSP-A・SP-Dの感染防御機構.分子呼吸器病 16, 121-124.


  • Nakanishi Y, Nagaosa K & Shiratsuchi A (2011) Phagocytic removal of cells that have become unwanted: implications for animal development and tissue homeostasis. Dev. Growth Differ. 53, 149-160. (review)

  • Jiang R, Zhang B, Kurokawa K, So Y-I, Kim E-H, Hwang HO, Lee J-H, Shiratsuchi A, Zhang J, Nakanishi Y, Lee H-S & Lee BL (2011) 93-kDa twin-domain serine protease inhibitor (serpin) has a regulatory function of the beetle Toll proteolytic signaling cascade. J. Biol. Chem. 286, 35087-35095.

  • Ariki S, Kojima T, Gasa S, Saito A, Nishitani C, Takahashi M, Shimizu T, Kurimura Y, Sawada N, Fujii N & Kuroki Y (2011) Pulmonary collectins play distinct roles in host defense against Mycobacterium avium. J. Immunol. 187, 2586-2594.​​

  • 有木茂,齋藤充史,西谷千明,高橋素子,黒木由夫 (2011) 非結核性抗酸菌感染に対する肺コレクチンの生体防御機構.エンドトキシン・自然免疫研究 14, 83-85.

  • 齋藤充史,有木茂,西谷千明,高橋素子,高橋弘毅,黒木由夫 (2011) レジオネラ菌に対する肺コレクチンの生体防御機構.エンドトキシン・自然免疫研究 14, 79-82.

  • 西谷千明,有木茂,高橋素子,栗村雄一郎,斎藤充史,長谷川喜弘,清水健之,黒木由夫 (2011) 酸化肺サーファクタントリン脂質によるLPS惹起炎症反応抑制機構.エンドトキシン・自然免疫研究 14, 43-45.

© 2019 by Department of Chemistry, Sapporo Medical University
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