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論文 (2001~2010)


  • Tabuchi Y, Shiratsuchi A, Kurokawa K, Gong JH, Sekimizu K, Lee BL & Nakanishi Y (2010) Inhibitory role for D-analylation of wall theichoic acid in activation of insect Toll pathway by peptidoglycan of Staphylococcus aureus. J. Immunol. 185, 2424-2431.

  • Shiratsuchi A, Shimizu K, Watanabe I, Hashimoto Y, Kurokawa K, Razanajatovo IM, Park HH, Park HK, Lee BL, Sekimizu K & Nakankshi Y (2010) Auxiliary role for D-alanylated wall teichoic acid in Toll-like receptor 2-mediated survival of Staphylococcus aureus in macrophages. Immunology 129, 268-277.

  • Sawada K, Ariki S, Kojima T, Saito A, Yamazoe M, Nishitani C, Shimizu T, Takahashi M, Mitsuzawa H, Yokota S, Sawada N, Fujii N, Takahashi H & Kuroki Y (2010) Pulmonary collectins protect macrophages against pore-forming activity of Legionella pneumophila and suppress its intracellular growth. J. Biol. Chem. 285, 8434-8443. *equally contributed

  • Shibata T, Ariki S, Shinzawa N, Miyaji R, Suyama H, Sako M, Inomata N, Koshiba T, Kanuka H & Kawabata S (2010) Protein crosslinking by transglutaminase controls cuticle morphogenesis in Drosophila. PLoS One 5, e13477.

  • 白土明子中西義信 (2010) 細胞貪食と生体防御,「新たな広がりをみせる 細胞死による多様な生体防御」アポトーシス細胞貪食に依存した生体恒常性維持.実験医学増刊号 28, 1055-1061.

  • 西谷千明,有木茂 (2010) 肺サーファクタント蛋白質と呼吸器疾患.炎症と免疫 18, 357-361.

  • 山添雅己,西谷千明,高橋素子,加藤剛志,有木茂,清水健之,光澤博昭,澤田格,高橋弘毅,黒木由夫 (2010) SP-DはLPSとその受容体に対する結合を変化させることによりLPS惹起炎症反応を抑制する.分子呼吸器病 14, 101-105.


  • Kuraishi T, Nakagawa Y, Nagaosa K, Hashimoto Y, Ishimoto T, Moki T, Fujita Y, Nakayama H, Dohmae N, Shiratsuchi A, Yamamoto N, Ueda K, Yamaguchi M, Awasaki T & Nakanishi Y (2009) Pretaporter, a Drosophila protein serving as a ligand for Draper in the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. EMBO J. 28, 3868-3878.

  • Hashimoto Y, Tabuchi Y, Sakurai K, Kutsuna M, Kurokawa K, Awasaki T, Sekimizu K, Nakanishi Y & Shiratsuchi A (2009) Lipoteichoic acid-dependent, Draper-mediated phagocytosis of Staphylococcus aureus by Drosophila hemocytes. J. Immunol. 183, 7451-7460.

  • Kurokawa K, Lee H, Rho K-B, Asanuma M, Kim YS, Nakayama H, Shiratsuchi A, Choi Y, Takeuchi O, Kang HJ, Dohmae N, Nakanishi Y, Akira S, Sekimizu K & Lee BL (2009) The triacylated ATP binding cluster transporter substrate-binding lipoprotein of Staphylococcus aureus functions as a native ligand for the toll-like receptor 2. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 8406-8411.

  • Osada Y, Sunatani Y, Kim I-S, Nakanishi Y & Shiratsuchi A (2009) Signaling pathway involving GULP, MAPK, and Rac1 for SR-BI-induced phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. J. Biochem. 145, 387-394.

  • Shiratsuchi A, Ichiki M, Okamoto Y, Ueda N, Sugimoto N, Takuwa Y & Nakanishi Y (2009) Inhibitory effect of N-palmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine on macrophage phagocytosis through inhibition of Rac1 and Cdc42. J. Biochem. 145, 43-50.​

  • Shimizu T, Nishitani C, Mitsuzawa H, Ariki S, Takahashi M, Ohtani K, Wakamiya N & Kuroki Y (2009) Mannose binding lectin and lung collectins interact with Toll-like receptor 4 and MD-2 by different mechanisms. Biochim. Biophys. Acta-General subjects 1790, 1705-1710.

  • Nishitani C, Takahashi M, Mitsuzawa H, Shimizu T, Ariki S, Matsushima N & Kuroki Y (2009) Mutational analysis of Cys88 of Toll-like receptor 4 highlights the critical role of MD-2 in cell surface receptor expression. Int. Immunol. 21, 925-934.

  • 白土明子 (2009) 微生物および微生物感染細胞の貪食反応の機構と意義に関する研究.金沢大学十全医学雑誌 118 (1), 9-12.

Shiratsuchi A (2009) Study on the mechanism and role of phagocytic elimination of microbes and microbe-infected cells. J. Juzen Med. Soc. 118, 9-12.

  • 白土明子,中西義信 (2009) リン脂質を介したアポトーシス細胞の貪食除去.オレオサイエンス 9 (10), 465-472.

Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2009) Phospholipid-mediated phagocytic elimination of apoptotic cells. J. Oleo Sci. (Journal of Japan Oil Chemists’ Society) 9 (10), 465-472.

  • 澤田格,有木茂,山添雅己,西谷千明,清水健之,高橋素子,横田伸一,藤井暢弘,高橋弘毅,黒木由夫 (2009) 肺コレクチンによるレジオネラ菌の増殖抑制.分子呼吸器病 13, 117-119.


  • Shiratsuchi A, Watanabe I, Ju J-S, Lee BL & Nakanishi Y (2008) Bridging effect of recombinant human mannose-binding lectin in macrophage phagocytosis of Eschericha coli. Immunology 124, 575-583.

  • Shiratsuchi A, Watanabe I, Yoshida H & Nakanishi Y (2008) Involvement of cannabinoid receptor CB2 in dectin-1-mediated macrophage phagocytosis. Immunol. Cell. Biol. 86, 179-184.

  • Nakanishi Y, Hashimoto Y, Takizawa T & Shiratsuchi A (2008) Mechanisms and consequences of phagocytosis of influenza virus-infected cells. Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Allergy Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 7, 97-100. (review)

  • Ariki S, Takahara S, Shibata T, Fukuoka T, Ozaki A, Endo Y, Fujita T, Koshiba T & Kawabata S (2008) Factor C acts as a lipopolysaccharide-responsive C3 convertase in horseshoe crab complement activation. J. Immunol. 181, 7994-8001.

  • Yamazoe M, Nishitani C, Takahashi M, Katoh T, Ariki S, Shimizu T, Mitsuzawa H, Sawada K, Voelker RD, Takahashi H & Kuroki Y (2008) Pulmonary surfactant protein D inhibits lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammatory cell responses by altering LPS binding to its receptors. J. Biol. Chem. 283, 35878-35888.

  • Nie X, Nishitani C, Yamazoe M, Ariki S, Takahashi M, Shimizu T, Mitsuzawa H, Sawada K, Smith K, Crouch E, Nagae H, Takahashi H & Kuroki Y (2008) Pulmonary surfactant protein D binds MD-2 through the carbohydrate recognition domain. Biochemistry 47, 12878-12885.

  • 黒木由夫,山添雅己,澤田格,有木茂 (2008) 肺サーファクタント蛋白質 (SP-A, SP-D) の免疫調節機能.臨床検査 52, 851-859.


  • Watanabe I, Ichiki M, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2007) TLR2-mediated survival of Staphylococcus aureus in macrophages: a novel bacterial strategy against host innate immunity. J. Immunol. 178, 4917-4925. *Picked up in the “IN THIS ISSUE”

  • Kakishima K, Shiratsuchi A, Taoka A, Nakanishi Y & Fukumori Y (2007) Participation of nitric oxide reductase in survival of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in LPS-activated macrophages. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 355, 587-591.

  • Kuraishi T, Manaka J, Kono M, Ishii H, Yamamoto N, Koizumi K, Shiratsuchi A, Lee BL, Higashida H & Nakanishi Y (2007) Identification of calreticulin as a marker for phagocytosis of apoptotic cells in Drosophila. Exp. Cell Res. 313, 500-510.

  • Hashimoto Y, Moki T, Takizawa T, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2007) Evidence for phagocytosis of influenza virus-infected, apoptotic cells by neutrophils and macrophages in mice. J. Immunol. 178, 2448-2457. *Selected by “Faculty of 1000 Biology, Immunology Section”

  • Nagaosa K, Kishimoto A, Kizu R, Nakagawa A, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2007) Perturbation of spermatogenesis by androgen antagonists directly injected into seminiferous tubules of live mice. Reproduction 133, 21-27.


  • Osada Y, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2006) Involvement of mitogen-activated protein kinases in class B scavenger receptor type I-induced phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. Exp. Cell Res. 312, 1820-1830.

  • Bayarsaikhan M, Shiratsuchi A, Gantulga D, Nakanishi Y & Yoshioka K (2006) Selective expression of the scaffold protein JSAP1 in spermatogonia and spermatocytes. Reproduction 131, 711-719. *equally contributed

  • Zhang J, Fujii S, Wu Z, Hashioka S, Tanaka Y, Shiratsuchi A, Nakanishi Y & Nakanishi H (2006) Involvement of COX-1 and up-regulated prostaglandin E synthases in phosphatidylserine liposome-induced prostaglandin E2 production by microglia. J. Neuroimmunol. 172, 112-120.

  • Nakanishi Y & Shiratsuchi A (2006) Mechanisms and roles of phagocytosis in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegansInvert. Surviv. J. 3, 89-96. (mini review)

  • Kurata S, Ariki S & Kawabata S (2006) Recognition of pathogens and activation of immune responses in Drosophila and horseshoe crab innate immunity. Immunobiology 211, 237-249. (review)

  • 白土明子,中西義信 (2006) 食細胞によるインフルエンザウイルス感染細胞の貪食除去.薬学雑誌 126 (12), 1245-1251.

  • 白土明子,中西義信 (2006) ウイルス感染細胞の貪食除去機構と病態生理学的意義.蛋白質・核酸・酵素 51 (2), 138-144.

  • 川畑俊一郎,有木茂 (2006) カブトガニの感染微生物に対する異物認識の分子基盤.感染防御のBird’s-eye view, 31-41.


  • Watanabe Y, Hashimoto Y, Shiratsuchi A, Takizawa T & Nakanishi Y (2005) Augumentation of fatality of influenza in mice by inhibition of phagocytosis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 337, 881-886.

  • Nakai Y, Shiratsuchi A, Manaka J, Nakayama H, Takio K, Zhang J & Nakanishi Y (2005) Externalization and recognition by macrophages of large subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 in apoptotic cells. Exp. Cell Res. 309, 137-148.

  • Nakai Y, Nomura Y, Sato T, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2005) Isolation of Drosophila gene coding for a protein containing novel phosphatidylserine-binding motif. J. Biochem. 137, 593-599.

  • Kato S, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2005) Phosphatidylserine- and integrin-mediated phagocytosis of apoptotic rat luteal cells by macrophages. Dev. Growth Differ. 47, 153-161.

  • Nakagawa A, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2005) In vivo analysis of phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by testicular Sertoli cells. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 71, 166-177.

  • Ishii H, Mori T, Shiratsuchi A, Nakai Y, Shimada Y, Ohno-Iwashita Y & Nakanishi Y (2005) Distinct localization of lipid rafts and externalized phosphatidylserine at the surface of apoptotic cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 327, 94-99.

  • Ozaki A, Ariki S & Kawabata S (2005) An antimicrobial peptide tachyplesin acts as a secondary secretagogue and amplifies lipopolysaccharide-induced hemocyte exocytosis. FEBS J. 272, 3863-3871. *equally contributed

  • 有木茂,稲森啓一郎,川畑俊一郎 (2005) カブトガニのToll-like receptorと血液凝固系.臨床免疫 43, 197-199.


  • Watanabe Y, Shiratsuchi A, Shimizu K, Takizawa T & Nakanishi Y (2004) Stimulation of phagocytosis of influenza virus-infected cells through surface desialylation of macrophages by viral neuraminidase. Microbiol. Immunol. 48, 875-881.

  • Manaka J, Kuraishi T, Shiratsuchi A, Nakai Y, Higashida H, Henson P & Nakanishi Y (2004) Draper-mediated and phosphatidylserine-independent phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by Drosophila hemocytes/macrophages. J. Biol. Chem. 279, 48466-48476.

  • Nakamoto T, Shiratsuchi A, Oda H, Matsumura T, Ichikawa M, Saito T, Seo S, Maki K, Asai T, Suzuki T, Yamagata T, Aizawa S, Noda M, Nakanishi Y & Hirai H (2004) Impaired spermatogenesis and male fertility defects in CIZ/Nmp4-disrupted mice. Genes Cells 9, 575-589.

  • Nakagawa A, Nagaosa K, Hirose T, Tsuda K, Hasegawa K, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2004) Expression and function of class B scavenger receptor type I on both apical and basolateral sides of the plasma membrane of polarized testicular Sertoli cells of the rat. Develop. Growth Differ. 46, 283-298.

  • Shiratsuchi A, Watanabe I, Takeuchi O, Akira S & Nakanishi Y (2004) Inhibitory effect of Toll like receptor 4 on fusion between phagosomes and endosomes/lysosomes in macrophages. J. Immunol. 172, 2039-2047.

  • Ariki S, Koori K, Osaki T, Motoyama K, Inamori K & Kawabata S (2004) A serine protease zymogen functions as a pattern-recognition receptor for lipopolysaccharides. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101, 953-958.

  • Inamori K, Ariki S & Kawabata S (2004) A Toll-like receptor in horseshoe crabs. Immunol. Rev. 198, 106-115. (review)

  • 中西義信,白土明子 (2004) アポトーシスによる配偶子選別の仕組みと意義.実験医学 22, 1620-1624.

  • 中西義信,白土明子 (2004) MFG-E8とマクロファージ.Surgery Frontier 11, 62-64.


  • Nagaosa K, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2003) Concomitant induction of apoptosis and expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 in cultured rat luteal cells by nuclear factor-kappa B and oxidative stress. Develop. Growth Differ. 45, 351-359.

  • Shiratsuchi A, Mori T, Takahashi Y, Sakai K & Nakanishi Y (2003) A presumed human nuclear autoantigen that translocates to plasma membrane blebs ding apoptosis. J. Biochem. 133, 211-218.

  • Nakanishi Y & Shiratsuchi A (2003) Phagocytic removal of apoptotic spermatogenic cells by Sertoli cells: mechanisms and consequences. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 27, 13-16. (review)

  • 中西義信,白土明子 (2003) 貪食によるアポトーシス細胞除去の生理学的意義と機構.生化学 75, 1429-1437.

Nakanishi Y & Shiratsuchi A (2003) Physiological role and mechanism of phagocytic clearance of apoptotic cells. Seikagaku 78, 1429-37.

  • 有木茂,川畑俊一郎 (2003) LPS受容体を介したカブトガニ顆粒細胞の分泌機構.エンドトキシン研究 6, 19-22.


  • Nagaosa K, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2002) Determination of cell type specificity and estrous cycle dependency of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 expression in corpora lutea of normally cycling rats in relation to apoptosis and monocyte/macrophage accumulation. Biol. Reprod. 67, 1502-1508.

  • Shiratsuchi A, Mori T & Nakanishi Y (2002) Independence of plasma membrane blebbing from other biochemical and biological characteristics of apoptotic cells. J. Biochem. 132, 381-386.

  • Kawasaki Y, Nakagawa A, Nagaosa K, Shiratsuchi A & Nakanishi Y (2002) Phosphatidylserine binding of class B scavenger receptor type I, a phagocytosis receptor of testicular Sertoli cells. J. Biol. Chem. 277, 27559-27566.

  • Maeda Y, Shiratsuchi A, Namiki M & Nakanishi Y (2002) Inhibition of sperm production in mice by annexin V microinjected into seminiferous tubules: A possible etiology of phagocytic clearance of apoptotic spermatogenic cells and male infertility. Cell Death Differ. 9, 742-749.

  • Watanabe Y, Shiratsuchi A, Shimizu K, Takizawa T & Nakanishi Y (2002) Role of phosphatidylserine exposure and sugar chain desialilation at the surface of influenza virus-infected cells in efficient phagocytosis by macrophages. J. Biol. Chem. 277, 18222-18228.

  • Nishida J, Shiratsuchi A, Nadano D, Sato T & Nakanishi Y (2002) Structural change of ribosomes during apoptosis: Degradation and externalization of ribosomal proteins in doxorubicin-treated cells. J. Biochem. 131, 485-493.

  • Fujii C, Shiratsuchi A, Manaka J, Yonehara S & Nakanishi Y (2001) Difference in the way of macrophage recognition of target cells depending on their apoptotic states. Cell Death Differ. 8, 1113-1122.

  • 白土明子,中西義信 (2001) 食細胞によるアポトーシス細胞貪食の分子機構と意義.実験医学 19, 1684-1689.

  • 白土明子,中西義信 (2001) アポトーシス細胞の貪食反応におけるSR-BIの役割.生化学 73, 187-190.

Shiratsuchi A & Nakankshi Y (2001) Role of class B scavenger receptor type I in phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. Seikagaku 73, 187-190.

  • 白土明子,中西義信 (2001) アポトーシス細胞貪食に関与する分子.臨床免疫 35, 399-404.

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